Here are a few of our favorite organizations working to do good in our industry.

If you know of others you think should be on the list, send them our way!


Equity at the Table operates under the mantra “Build a longer table, not a higher fence.” it is a “digital directory for women/non-binary individuals in food with a focus on POC and LGBTQ+ members.

ROC United

The mission of Restaurant Opportunities Center United is to “To improve wages and working conditions for the 13 million people who work in America's restaurant industry.” The resources they provide include: research and publications, information for workers to know their rights, and a diners guide to help people find places to eat that are treating their people well.

Restaurant HER

Grubhub “started RestaurantHER to champion and support restaurants, and raise awareness about inequality in the restaurant industry and help change things for the better.” Their directory and map lists women-led and women-owned restaurants around the country so diners can “support women-led restaurants in their community.”

Cherry Bombe “celebrates women and food through our biannual magazine, the weekly Radio Cherry Bombe podcast, and their Jubilee conference.” Their mission is “to support women in the world of food by sharing their stories and to build a community of people making the world a better place through food.”

Cherry Bombe